Chalimbana University Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 90
Play-based learning: A pedagogical approach for social skills development in ECE learners in Zambia
(Elsevier Ltd, 2025-02-27)The link between pedagogical approaches and skills development in Early Childhood Education (ECE) has been a topic of interest in the recent past. Research has shown that early childhood Indigenous education fosters ... -
Ensuring ethical standards in an organization: A comprehensive guide on how the human resource manager can create an ethical organization
(International journal for multidisciplinary research, 2024-04)In each and every organization, Effective and efficient Human Resource Management is a key component that enables employees and managers to contribute effectively and productively to the overall business ... -
Breaking down barriers: Understanding and overcoming communication challenges in organisations.
(2024-04)Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to another. It is a means of making contact that may be between people, organizations or between places. A person or organization can communicate ... -
Leadership styles and their effect on employee productivity in zambias parastatal organizations: A case study of Lusaka.
(2024)Leadership is the ability to influence adapted the setting so that everyone feels empowered to contribute creatively to solving the problems.Leadership is an ability meaning a leader has a capacity to do something through ... -
Reproduction frequency,sex ratio, growth rates, growth performance indices, condition factors and natural mortality of red claw crayfish (Chreax quadricarinatus, von martens,1868) in lake kariba, Zambia
(2024-07)The research was conducted from Lake Kariba because Lake Kariba is the largest man-made Lake in Zambia that has diverse ecological habitats that are rich in fish biodiversity. Crayfish were sampled from Kabbyobbyo and ... -
Aspects of reproductive biology and population biology of petrocephalus wesselsi (Kramer and Van der bank,2000) in lufupa river, Zambia.
(2024-07)This study was aimed at documenting some aspects of the reproductive biology, growth rates and Condition factors of Petrocephalus wesselsi in Lufupa River. It was the first study which was conducted on P. wesselsi in ... -
Reproduction frequency,growth forms, growth performance indices, condition factors and natural mortality of red claw crayfish (Cherax quandricarinatus, von martens, 1868) in the kafue flood plain fishery,zambia.
(2024-04)The research was conducted from the Kafue Floodplain Fishery because it is a World-recognised Ramsar-designated site that has diverse ecological habitats that are rich in fish biodiversity. Crayfish were sampled from Kafue ... -
Analysis of instructional strategies teachers use to teach reading comprehension to grade 3 learners in selected primary schools of solwezi district.
(2024)The study investigated instructional strategies teachers use to teach reading comprehension to grade 3 learners in the target language as they transitioned from learning in the local language. The main objective was ... -
Language policy inclusivity and exclusivity in zambian primary classrooms
(2023)This chapter brings to light the role of the classroom language use to the provision of inclusive education in the Zambian context citing debates on how this has failed and developed learner isolation from the classroom ... -
Health and Anti-aging benefits of sports among women of siavonga district, Zambia.
(2018-07)This article is based on the study whose focus was on women‟s perceptions of health and anti- aging benefits of sports among Women of Siavonga District in Zambia. It provides a basis for the need to intensify the promotion ... -
Pedagogical practices teachers use to teach cinyanja in monolingual tumbuka secondary schools of chasefu district in eastern province of zambia
(2023-08-30)This study aimed to investigate the pedagogical practices teachers use to teach Cinyanja to the Tumbuka learners of Chasefu district. The objectives were to ascertain the pedagogical practices that teachers use to teach ... -
Music and its role in the electoral process of zambia
(2018)The purpose of the study was to assess music and its role in the electoral process of Zambia. The study adopted a qualitative design using an open ended questionnaire, a focus group discussion guide and an interview guide ... -
Quantitative and qualitative benefits of translanguaging pedagogic practice among first graders in multilingual classrooms of lundazi district in zambia
(2020)The aim of the paper is assess the pedagogical benefits of translanguaging using a quasi-experiment where two literacy classes with similar sociolinguistic composition were taught differently. In this case, the control ... -
Teachers perceptions and strategies on the integrated early childhood education curriculum in serenje district
(European journal of contemporary education and elearning, 2023)The aim of this study was to establish perceptions of early childhood teachers on integrated curriculum and strategies they can use to improve integrated planning in early childhood centers in primary schools of Serenje ... -
Teacher utilisation of emergent literacy skills in the teaching of physical education in the primary schools of lundazi district.
(2018-07)Today, children play hide and seek, football and netball; they dance at night, wrestle amongst themselves, run around and ride bicycles. Behind these activities are the rules which make the children continue playing ... -
The practicality of using indigenous langauge (Nsenga) at a medium of instructing at grade 1-4 in selected primary schools of petauke district
(2021-10)The purpose of this study is to investigate the practicality using Nsenga language in the primary schools of Petauke district. The study objectives were to establish the teachers’ perception on the implementation of the ... -
The use of learner centered techniques in the teaching of english language in selected secondary schools of lundazi district
(2019)The teaching of English language in the secondary schools of Zambia is usually text based. Teachers graduate from different colleges and universities with diplomas and degrees and go to teach the secondary school learners. ... -
The use of mobile phone related terminologies among the tumbuka people of lundazi district of zambia
(2021)Word building and formation is a continuous process which allows languages to grow and maintain their linguistic value. A language with majority speakers always undergoes language maintenance while the language of the ... -
Translanguaging practices teachers use in teaching english language in a transitioned grade 5 class in katete district
(2024)The aim of the study was to assess the translanguaging practices teachers used to teach English language in grade 5 class in Katete district of Zambia. The study utilised the descriptive research design under qualitative ... -
Translanguaging challenges faced by teachers and learners in first grade multi-lingual literacy classrooms in zambia.
(2021-03)The aim of this study was to establish challenges teachers and pupils faced as a result of teaching and learning using the translanguaging pedagogical practices in a multilingual grade 1 class of Lundazi District. A ...